Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday morning warm ups



Bobby Pontillas said...

Nice and loose! Great stuff as usual man!

andy said...

Cool! Really nice sketches, great poses!

Grant said...

Ha! These are great dude.

Andre Barnwell said...

hhhhhhhhhmmmm..thats a nice idea. Ive been told that before. Take a character and warm up with them. I thin kI will especially for feeling out my character. Thanks another inspiring post .

Adrian Molina said...

Awesome dude, love the flow that you have in your linework, I gotta get me some of that in my stuff!

John T Quinn III said...

haven't been back in a while. so good.

libra bear said...

whats he so cheesed about??
Nice gestures man.

Randeep Katari said...

Hey man.
These are gonna sit right in front of me while I board. Thanks for the inspiration...check out my blog, tell me what u think.


the doodlers said...

Good to see your Duncan's again, James. Cheers! ~Arna

Emma said...

I want to see him when you animate him... you got great gesture on him.

J said...

Thanks for commenting guys.

Adrian- THanks man. No one draws funnier than you. I want that in my work.

John- Welcome back fella. Glad to have you here.

Emma- I'l have to shoot it at work, so I'll run it by you.

Jörn said...

nice expressions and good shapes. I'll be back