Friday, February 02, 2007

Commute Sketches 1

Been busy with work, and moving in stuff.
I'll post more text-based stuff when I have more time, and a bed to sleep in that isn't inflatable.


Bianca Siercke said...

It's so nice to see some sketches from you again!! ^^ Glad to hear your getting settled. :D :D

Kyle Marshall said...

yea, good to see these sketches, grand work as always.

Grant said...

Great to see some more. Nice man.

John S. said...

These are nice, James!!!

Randeep Katari said...

Wicked!! Love seeing new stuff from ya man!

chris chua said...

just lovely. loose yet so much energy! I love commute sketches.

pbcbstudios said...

great sketches - i was so pissed at an inflatable bed once that i took all of my hanging clothes out of my closet and slept on them for a couple of days as i was awaiting to get a real bed. it's amazing how a nice bed is such a luxury.

Martin Wittig said...

Really great sketches! :)

MikeS said...

You really do know how to sketch, James. I'm a little green with envy.

the doodlers said...

Good stuff James. We're all congregating on your blog. It's funny...Hi Smook!

Dan said...

beautiful stuff james!

Germán said...

Great stuff, love how you pay attention to those small details that make the pose come to life.

Oranget said...

I heard about your grand move!
Congratulations to you both! And well deserved - Can't wait to see your names up in the credits. :)
Enjoy the sun - Tdot just had a -23C week !
